In this episode, Derek and I answer questions from listeners.
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Questions on the show:
- You may have gone over this before, but I was wondering what your views (and Derek’s!) are on adding weight vs. adding extra reps to progress in an exercise and kind of how to gauge which tactic to go for.
- Is one leg day enough for leg growth if you are doing 2 sprint sessions, two 50-minute plyometric and agility workouts, and a long-distance run in the same week. Because doing all that and 2 leg days feels too much, and I would suffer in explosiveness, agility, and running speed. Thanks!
- When creating programs for clients, what are some things you think about when selecting which exercises to include?
- Any tips for hard gainers and those resistant to weight gain? Whenever I increase calories my NEAT, steps, and training volume all increase but my bodyweight stays consistent.
- I am trying to determine how flexible I can be with my training. I can only lift on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but I’m getting very bored of legs push pull and sometimes Thursdays get dicey, and I miss that day. Would it be harmful to do 3 full-body days in a row?
- Hey Kyle, I loved the deload episode. One question I have is since you are doing less training, should you reduce calories or change your diet at all during a deload?
- Do you have any recommendations on how to handle unsolicited advice at the gym?
- When looking to increase muscle size, should you focus on lifting 55-65% of 1RM for more reps, or 75-90% of 1RM with less reps with possibly more sets? Or, would both methods give similar results?
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