Let me take out the guesswork.
The Hunt Fitness Online Coaching package truly offers personalized fitness guidance. You work 100% one-on-one with me the entire time. I’m with you every step, only an email, text, or call away.
The coaching comes with everything you need to reach your goals:
- Custom training program.
- Custom nutrition plan.
- Video technique analysis.
- Comprehensive warm-ups, flexibility, and mobility routine.
- Recovery work.
- Help with meal planning and integrating nutrition into your life.
- Daily coaching and accountability guidance.
- A lasting education so you can do this on your own.
If you are serious about progressing, I want to work with you. Look, I’m probably a lot like you. I’m just a guy who wants to feel good, perform well, and look great. I’m a dad of three kids, a business owner, a podcast host, and numerous other responsibilities. I don’t have time to spend all day in the gym, and I’m guessing you don’t either. The good news is, you don’t have to.
Hunt Fitness Coaching is unlike most of what is offered in the online fitness space. I have been coaching people online full-time for fifteen years! Only a few people in the fitness industry have as much online coaching experience or success as I do. I’m not saying this to boast, but there is a reason why I’m still in business while many other “fitness coaches” have fallen off.
I’m not an influencer coach. I don’t get clients based on the number of followers I have. I get clients because I have a track record of delivering results. Most of my clients come from referrals.

Over the past fifteen years, I have figured out and implemented the most effective remote coaching methods available. My track record of coaching success speaks for itself. I have more written testimonials than most coaches have had clients!
Plus, you can access me and my experience anytime. I like to use the “hands-on” approach. I am always just a text away.
I’m sure you know what you should do in the gym and the kitchen. But here is the thing. It’s not just about information. The accountability factor is enormous. The Xs and Os are important, but the best program in the world won’t work unless it’s followed. Success ultimately comes down to what isn’t taught or put in textbooks—consistency. Anyone can have a good day or a good week. It’s about stacking good weeks together. That’s how real progress is made. I will teach you how to be consistent.


“Kyle Hunt is truly one of the greats in the fitness industry. His programming is intelligent, well thought out, science-based, and well worth five stars. However, where Kyle goes above and beyond is in the genuine care he has for his clients. Out of all of the coaches I have had in sports and in fitness, I have never seen a coach be more invested in his athletes. Kyle Hunt has shown me time and time again that he doesn’t just care about helping you become a better athlete, but about helping you become a better person.“
– Gabrian Meier, Powerlifter